Herb D-.日记

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The professor's shelfie Install a library along an entire wall in your bedroom, bathroom or guest loo. PHOTO LIXIL-milano.com - See more at: http://www.visi.co.za/content/article/2677/what-shelfie-are-you#sthash.NRkVrfav.dpuf
6. The professor's shelfie A wall of books adds dimension to this room. PHOTO Daron Chatz PRODUCTION Laura Chatz - See more at: http://www.visi.co.za/content/article/2677/what-shelfie-are-you#sthash.NRkVrfav.dpuf

Love Books:

有个有趣的小测试(链接在下面),测试什么样书架风格适合你,结果不出意料地俺的测试结果是:Professor ,且如上图所示。

测试链接:What shelfie are you? 


Your result: Professor

Hallowed be thy intellectual. It’s really all about the book for you. You are a purist, you have a real bookshelf groaning from top to bottom against every wall in your study, lounge and, even, bathroom. You have a study – not a home office but a room dedicated to reading – with a favourite chair, one you’ve had forever. You are the real deal, you have all the classics and you’ve read them. 

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