Herb D-.日记

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啥时候国内的系列丛书书籍的封面设计也能像人家Penguin Drop Caps series这样有创意和设计灵感啊~ 别总是都千篇一律一模一样的封面哦~每次在书店看到一堆一模一样封面的系列书籍就很打击人家的积极性 感觉像是生搬硬凑的内容似的~


It all begins with a letter.

Penguin Drop Caps is a series of twenty-six collectible hardcover editions of fine works of literature, each featuring on its cover a specially commissioned illustrated letter of the alphabet by type designer Jessica Hische. A collaboration between Jessica Hische and Penguin Art Director Paul Buckley, whose series design encompasses a rainbow-hued spectrum across all twenty-six books, Penguin Drop Caps debuted with an 'A' for Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, a 'B' for Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, and a 'C' for Willa Cather's My Ántonia, and continues with more perennial classics from Penguin.

转载自Love Books:


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the entire series of the Penguin Drop Caps! 

Get them here:

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